Wednesday 23 November 2011



this gif was made with my camera on continuous shoot, on top of a light box and was then assembled on GifNinja.

i like this gif because i like how he just seems to appear out of the dark and doesnt seem to move in a normal way, he glitches along, just moving closer without really moving.

Monday 21 November 2011

Somewhere i did some research


This brief requires me to take pictures of places. 

Somewhere i would leave my heart research

When i die, i want to donate my body, anything that can be taken out of me to help someone else live for a few years longer is definitely a bonus to me.

Somewhere Dark...
somewhere dark to me says something mentally dark, something you would link with nasty, dank, abandoned. so abandoned prisons are perfect

somewhere powerful

"Mojave Airport - Aeroplane Graveyard

September 2009"

I find these images really powerful. just the power these machines once had is unparalleled. 

somewhere i can hide

all of these buildings and structures are abandoned, and no one would really go there, they would all be perfect hiding places.

somewhere i could sit all day

if your going to sit somewhere. might as well be really comfortable.

Somewhere i idolize

these images are AMAZING. they are of a place in the pacific called "Thor's Well" its a natural phonomenon that is still going via water pressure and sheer volume of water.

Monday 7 November 2011

Fire staff.

these pictures were taken on bulb because then i could dictate how long the picture would be and i could have a fairly decent guess at the pattern.

this picture had too open an aperture

this also had a too open aperture

This picture was quite successful, the aperture was alright and the pattern the staff made was really nice.

again, i had the aperture perfect, but my camera was not steady enough, so got a little camera shake, i think pictures like this could benefit greatly from being taken with a tripod.

the aperture was too open and the result was the image was too bright.

This image is very cool, i like the pattern of the fireball.

the pattern of this fireball is very fluid.

i like the definition on this image, it has great detail and i like how you can see the man in the middle.

i really like the pattern on this picture, the general lighting of the area helps alot.

i took this picture when the staff was burning out, i really like the effect it has, the spirals are very detailed and very cool.

this image is from when the stick was burning out, the less fire and the enhanced detail is and the sky in the background make this image very different from the others.

i left the picture on for too long, using the "bulb" setting, you have to remember not to hold it for too long otherwise you just get a ball of light which is not what i wanted.

 i like this picture. i really like how you can see him in the middle.

i also like this picture, i think it's the simple movement.

i like the framing on this picture.

and this picture's framing.

i love the amount of dark in this one.

i also like the lack of light in this picture.

i love the silhouette in this image.

i may use this as a final image.